Friday, December 14, 2007

Real bad RBI/Hits ratio (edited!)

Fuckin' shit. 2 RBI, OK. 16 hits, what? Wow, come on guys! Look at this, I have the proof that, almost, they are hitting well, but, are they scoring well too? Hell no. Not in that game. It was really a dumb game but atleast, I won and shutouted them.

They did it again! I'm kidding... I just finished a game right now with the almost same ratio as the other game : 2 RBI (a HR by Peel) and 15 Hits. Some words regarding this news paper with this "Pitching duel". Ok, I did 5 K and its pretty rare I do so "much" K in a game. Yeah a pitching duel with a pitcher who is according 15 hits. Excuse me, this is not "a pitcher", it's "the pitchers". Duel? One pitcher (mine) against a horde of pitchers (their-they changed like 2 times). It's seem not to be a duel at the end, huh? Bah, it's like our real newspapers; they are not really telling the true, exactly. ^_^

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